
Tax law

Comprehensive tax advice for private individuals and companies.

Our firm offers a wide range of tax law services to assist individuals and companies in all tax matters.

Employees (and pensioners):

You have come to the right place for all tax law issues, including cross-border matters, preparation of tax returns and tax planning.

Partners, shareholders and board members:

Our services are tailored to the specific needs of individuals who are active in companies. This includes tax aspects such as dividends and profit distributions through to the restructuring of a partnership into a corporation.

Subsequent and penalty tax proceedings:

We provide you with expert support in these proceedings with the aim of achieving fair solutions.

Appeal proceedings:

We represent you competently in all appeal proceedings (up to the Federal Supreme Court).

Withholding tax and compensation:

As a company, we advise you on withholding tax issues and design expense regulations and employee participation plans. We also assist with the preparation of salary statements and develop remuneration solutions for members of the executive board and board of directors, including severance payments.

International deployment of employees:

If you need support with tax law issues relating to cross-border employee assignments, we will be happy to assist you.

Trust our expertise in tax law to optimize your tax affairs and meet your tax obligations.
